Grassello Venetian Plaster For Walls and Ceilings in 2023
Mr. Faux plaster artisans have specialized in designing and installing Grassello Venetian Plaster for both residential and commercial projects.
Mr. Faux’s Recent Projects gets updated on a regular basis. This is also a good place to get ideas for your projects. Just click on the card that interests you and get the details of each completed project
Mr. Faux plaster artisans have specialized in designing and installing Grassello Venetian Plaster for both residential and commercial projects.
Mr. Faux recommends this ideal choice for people who are looking for an eco-friendly option for their home, office, or interior design.
We use top-quality materials for whitewashing stone so it will last for many years. There are many ways this can be done but we have been using the same materials and system for the last 30 years
Marbling A Malachite Gemstone with Goldleaf accents creates a unique Crown Molding. Mr. Faux & The Team Do It Again!
The custom glazing was a unique process that gave this kitchen’s painted cabinetry a style of its own which is what custom-designed faux finishing by Mr. Faux’s Team is about.